Universal design provides for a greater level of accessibility to areas like walk-in showers, water closets and bath tub access. We have included addition features of best universal design practices in senior bathrooms;
- Walk in Tubs
- Curb-less Showers
- Non Slip Surfaces
- Shower Seat
- Grab Bars at toilets and wet areas
- Pressure Balanced Faucet
- Toe Testers & Scold Free Shower Valve Controls
- Higher Counter Top Heights
Another area of concern are the flooring materials, bathrooms have a long history of slips and falls. One of the main reasons for this is floor materials become highly slippery when wet. There are attractive materials that can be used to reduce this risk and measures that can taken to reduce this risk without removing your existing bathroom floors.
Design changes and material selections have a major impact on the overall cost of your renovation. Bathroom remodeling can be complicated and become expensive when significantly moving plumbing drains. Although moving plumbing drains is often unavoidable when the design demands relocation, these types of renovations add considerable expense and time to your project. The use of slab stone materials instead of stone tiles will also add additional expense to your budget and schedule.
So as you can see there are many design and selection factors to evaluate during the process of creating your bathroom plans. It is advisable to seek a professional that can provide you the insights of aging in place best practices. This will save you money, time and aggravation. We look forward in providing you the professional guidance required to achieve your bathroom remodeling goals.